Fostering volunteerism in the Yukon.

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Volunteer Opportunities

Board Members: President, Treasurer and Director (expired)



Organization Logo

Task Description

The Yukon Council on Aging is a volunteer organization of Yukon Seniors (55+) administered by a Board of Directors elected from its membership. Our vision is that all Yukon older adults (55+) can flourish and thrive as they age, and age in place for as long as possible. Three Board positions will be elected at the AGM on May 7, 2024 for a two-year term.

Minimum Age

Skills Needed

An effective board requires members with a variety of
skills and enthusiasm to achieve positive outcomes! These skills may

● Knowledge of accounting and/or financial management
● Human resources experience and skills
● Advocacy skills
● IT/Computer skills
● Team building skills
● Leadership skills
● Communication skills

An effective board requires members with a variety of
skills and enthusiasm to achieve positive outcomes! These skills may

● Knowledge of accounting and/or financial management
● Human resources experience and skills
● Advocacy skills
● IT/Computer skills
● Team building skills
● Leadership skills
● Communication skills


Job descriptions for the positions of President, Treasurer and Director are available. Joining the Yukon Council on Aging board makes you part of a growing community of older Yukoners committed to quality of life and engagement for all older adults. Our broad base of members gives YCOA a unique voice on important issues like housing, health care and income supports.

Board Members oversee YCOA’s direct services to Yukoners. These include
the Seniors Information Centre, where seniors get up-to-date information
about government and other programs; the Home and Yard Maintenance
service, which links seniors who need jobs done with workers who can do
them, and YCOA’s Learning for Life events — presentations by experts on
real-life topics of special interest to older adults in Yukon.

To keep on top of these and other happenings, the Board produces the
Sourdough Chronicle, a regular newsletter devoted exclusively to local
news and happenings for our age group. YCOA also publishes a useful
information guide and a list of seniors’ discounts available from Yukon

Job descriptions for the positions of President, Treasurer and Director are available. Joining the Yukon Council on Aging board makes you part of a growing community of older Yukoners committed to quality of life and engagement for all older adults. Our broad base of members gives YCOA a unique voice on important issues like housing, health care and income supports.

Board Members oversee YCOA’s direct services to Yukoners. These include
the Seniors Information Centre, where seniors get up-to-date information
about government and other programs; the Home and Yard Maintenance
service, which links seniors who need jobs done with workers who can do
them, and YCOA’s Learning for Life events — presentations by experts on
real-life topics of special interest to older adults in Yukon.

To keep on top of these and other happenings, the Board produces the
Sourdough Chronicle, a regular newsletter devoted exclusively to local
news and happenings for our age group. YCOA also publishes a useful
information guide and a list of seniors’ discounts available from Yukon

Time Commitment

The volunteer Board members meet monthly and perform a variety of tasks between the meetings.

Incentive for the Volunteer

This is an opportunity to help optimize the lives of Yukon older adults, to create change and to make new friends.


Areas of Interest


