Fostering volunteerism in the Yukon.

Volunteer Opportunities

Climate Emergency Declaration Volunteer


Task Description

The Yukon Climate Emergency Declaration, which can be found at, was launched by the Council of Canadians Yukon Chapter in Spring 2023. The committee working on the Declaration campaign is seeking additional volunteers to help with our outreach efforts.

Minimum Age


Skills Needed

Gmail, clear English, access to internet and phone


is what you could expect if you were to be part of this project:
– You’d start with an initial conversation with a current committee member to receive an orientation to the Declaration and the communication tools we have developed
– You’d then sign up to contact a list of organizations about having them sign on to the Declaration
– You’d then contact those organizations (by phone or email) and follow up with them as needed
– You’d stay in touch with the committee regarding your progress, questions and/or issues and concerns; this could be either by attending Committee meetings or by emailing/calling a committee member

Time Commitment

1 – 2 hours per week

Incentive for the Volunteer

Develop transferable skills, feel more engaged you’re your community, and make a difference that supports a sustainable future



Areas of Interest


