NGO Training Fund
About the NGOtf
The NGO Training Fund (NGOtf) strengthens the operational capacity of Yukon-based non-profit organizations by funding short-term training activities. The training must be offered to the volunteers, Board members, staff, etc of an organization and have lasting benefits to the organization.
NGOtf is funded by the Government of Yukon Department of Economic Development and administered by Volunteer Bénévoles Yukon (VBY). Funding applications are reviewed by the NGOtf Allocation Committee.
NGOtf Dates
Application deadline including all required documentation |
September 15 | March 17 |
Decision by Allocation Committee/Notification by VBY | September 29 | March 31 |
Project dates | October 1 - March 30 | April 1 - September 30 |
Final Report deadline |
Within 2 weeks of project completion
The maximum eligible NGOtf funding for any request, regardless of joint application status, is $5,000 per project AND
The maximum eligible NGOtf funding for any organization applicant is $5,000 per fiscal year.
NGOtf is funded by the Government of Yukon Department of Economic Development and administered by Volunteer Bénévoles Yukon (VBY). Funding applications are reviewed by the NGOtf Allocation Committee.
Eligible Applicants
- Any Yukon-based non-profit organization in compliance as a registered Yukon Society.
- An applicant can apply for funding in both intakes, but funding cannot exceed $5,000 in the same fiscal year.
Ineligible Applicants
- Individuals, businesses and governments;
- Clubs, organizations and associations that are not registered or not in compliance with Yukon Societies;
- Religious organizations.
Eligible Training
Any short-term training activities that enhance the skills, abilities, processes, and resources required by the team to realize the mission and goals of the organization.
Examples of training topics include, but are not limited to:
- Team management and succession planning
- Volunteer management
- Recruitment and retention
- Financial management
- Information management
- Communications & marketing
- Strategic planning
Examples of training session types include, but are not limited to:
- Workshops
- Learning presentations
- Instructor-led lectures
- Facilitator-led planning sessions
- Group/team discussions or activities
- Hands-on training
Eligible expenses
- Professional fees for facilitators/ trainers
- Training expenses (eg. venue rentals, supplies, printed materials)
- Travel expenses between Yukon communities (not to exceed 50% of the total budget requested from NGOtf)
How to Apply
Applicants must complete the online Application Form and submit it to VBY by the deadline. Contact VBY if you require a hardcopy of the application to complete.
Are you looking for a Professional/Consultant?
VBY maintains a directory of individuals and companies that have expressed interest in assisting non-profit organizations. Many of these consultants offer discounts to NGOs. See professional consultants list to learn about their particular areas of specialization.
NGOtf Documentation:
The NGO Training Fund is funded by Yukon Government’s Department of Economic Development and administered by VBY.